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Location: Krakow, Poland

I live in Poland and enjoy it.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Five very important lessons for survival.

Well, I have lived in Poland for over a month now. Almost six weeks, actually.

What have I learned so far, you ask? Some very important things, my friends.

1. If you value your space and privacy when you shop, pick up a basket as soon as you enter a store. You will be followed and get evil-eye like stares if you don't.

2. It is entirely possible to never know the name of someone with whom you speak to often. We still don't know the name of the owner of my flat because in Polish, when speaking formally, you refer to someone as pan or pani. Because of this, the owner of my flat is listed as "the owner" in my phone. This may never change.

3. When the two best Krakow soccer teams play each other, don't go outside. This may very well save your life.

4. There are many pigeons in Krakow. They like to poop. On people. The Polish people say this is a sign of good luck, but I don't see any of them racing under the eaves of buildings so they can be pooped on. But if this is true, I have luck. Oh do I have luck...

5. I am certain this is exactly where I am supposed to be right now.

Next time, I'll talk about the ministry stuff since that's what I'm here to do! Exciting things have happened in just six weeks...


Blogger Hepzibah The Watchman said...

May God bless you indeed.

3/22/06, 4:07 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

You're telling me the birds have been pooping on you? Crazy Poland!

3/22/06, 11:41 PM  
Blogger Danielle Jaje said...

yes, the birds have been pooping on me. and julie rubbed it into my hair once - after she laughed at me first.

3/23/06, 1:19 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

haha, there's nothing like living outside the states. i learned quickly that the french walk with their eyes to the ground for two reasons: to avoid solicitations from men, and to avoid stepping in the piles of dog poo EVERYWHERE.

3/23/06, 3:38 PM  
Blogger Danielle Jaje said...

liz - yes. dog poo. in rome i had to be on the lookout for that. here it's not so bad.

3/23/06, 11:14 PM  

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