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Location: Krakow, Poland

I live in Poland and enjoy it.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Hitchhikers Guide to Rząska (Don't Panic)

To help you understand where I live, I will delineate things by describing the bus stops on our journey to Krakow...

Home (across the street from the soccer club)
Zero stop - Primary school
First stop - Convent; Agricultural University horse training center
Second stop - large military communications complex
Third stop - Cemetery #1 (always on the edge of towns, now leaving Rząska)
Fourth stop - Cemetery #2 (always on the edge of towns, now entering Krakow)
Fifth stop - Motel Krak (not to be confused with Crack Motel)
Sixth stop - IKEA! KFC! McDONALDS! MAKRO (Sam's club)!
Seventh stop - leave bus for trams

I think there are a few more stops in there, but these are the most enlightening ones for you, the reader.

Kris's Halloween costume.


Blogger Valerie said...

We have Makro too!...and...I'm scared...

11/22/08, 2:21 PM  

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